Hello my fellow Zed Heads!
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything but there really hasn’t been a whole lot to write about lately.
Legacy Zed has been running in somewhat of a holding pattern while the team focus on building the new game.
Personally I’ve been entering the Maiden tournaments and dabbling with the weeklies but I haven’t been as engaged as I usually am.
I guess I’m in holding pattern too, waiting for the next chapter of the game.
On that note, today we got the news that legacy Zed Run is coming to an end on February 28th 2025.
If you haven’t been keeping abreast of news, the end has been edging ever closer.
Beta testing for the new game began at the close of 2024 and last week it was announced that the new Zed has a new name and it will be built on a new chain.
The new Zed Run will be known as “Zed Champions” and it will be built on BASE, Coinbase’s Ethereum L2.
(You can read about all that HERE)
Then today while I was scrolling X an announcement dropped that the 28th would be the final day for legacy Zed by way of a video.
The video featured original Zed Run race music and footage of Zed horses marching together toward the sunset. (You can check the video out HERE)
To be totally honest it was actually a bit sad to see.
I’ve been here since mid 2021 and so I have some really fond memories of the game, the horses in my stable and the friends I’ve made along the way.
Closing the book on it all hits me in the feels I must say ha ha
All that said, we aren’t just hitting the off switch and moving house.
To go out with a bang there will be one last major tournament for $100,000 in Zed Token.
It will be eligible to level 700 horses and to make sure every good horse has a chance to enter there will be several weeks of tournaments offering massive XP boosts so we can level these ponies up.
Then it’s a massive “best of the best” showdown.
One last dance.
(You can find out more on the final month of legacy Zed HERE)
So I’ll be pulling the Zed Run spreadsheets out one final time.
Taking some trips down memory lane as I decide which of my horses I want to level up.
Unless I finish my Zed Run career in a blaze of Zed Token glory this will probably be my last post until we transfer to the new game.
At that point I will return with renewed enthusiasm.
I’m planning to re-do the look of my stable website for Zed Champions and will be posting regular content as we learn the new game together.
For those of you that are not making the transition I wanted to say thanks for the memories.
There are too many of you to name but if we raced each other, talked Zed or bred a foal or two together, thanks for making my time in the game as enjoyable as it was.
For those of you that are making the jump into Zed Champions, I will see you there.
All the best everyone.
Blockchain Bloodline.